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a quick note...

...and a beg for prayers, actually.

First off, I make my first attempt at the PhD qualifying exam tomorrow. That's not a huge deal, though, because this first attempt is a freebie and doesn't count against me if (read as "when") I mess up on it. I'm still a bit nervous about it, though, so prayers for calmness tomorrow would be greatly appreciated.

Along the same lines, I have my oral qualifier on Monday, so those prayers would be great then, too!

What really has me asking for prayers, though, is what also has my hands shaking as I type (which, as you can imagine, makes things a bit difficult). I just took a huge leap of faith and sent off a query letter for my story. It will be a couple weeks before I hear anything and it is completely out of my hands now, I know, but that doesn't stop my nerves...

This is a huge step on my path to chasing my dreams...I'm both hopeful and scared to death right now, I can assure you. Never in my life have I experienced the mixed emotions that writing causes in me. Craziness, this dream business!

Anyways, I hope everyone has an amazing weekend--talk to you soon!


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