Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome, 2013

2012 was a year of big changes for our little family.

Come to think of it, so was 2011...and 2010...and 2009...yeah, pretty much every year since Nathan and I got married in 2004 has been a year of big changes for us.

That said, I imagine 2013 will be as well!

And you know what?
I wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't, and I wouldn't have it any other way :0) 

Last year about this time, this blog got started as a result of something that has become pretty popular: one word.

The idea is pretty simple. Instead of coming up with a list of resolutions for the new year, you pick out one word that is going to shape your year. Last year my word was faithful, and i can tell you now that looking back it definitely paints a pretty good picture of 2012. I'm planning on doing the same thing this year and I had this big plan of making my first post of the new year on January 1 with a big reveal of my word for 2013.

The thing is, now it's January 2 and I still don't have my word.
Not even a clue.
So, my first post of the year is this instead:
If you've made resolutions, great for you and best of luck sticking to them this year. If you haven't, though (or even if you have), I challenge you to take part in this one word thing.

Your word can be anything--don't worry about what anybody else will think or if they'll "get it" or if yours is the same as somebody else's (<--apparently that isn't a word...I'm sticking with it anyway!).

By the end of this first week of January, search your heart, pray about it, scan your favorite book, flip through the dictionary...look through some words and figure out what one word needs to be your theme for 2013. I'll do the same, and we'll meet back here this weekend and share what we've come up with!

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