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 it seems like little girls are slammed with 2 basic pictures of what a woman should be:

1. the supermodel
this is the woman with the perfect body and perfect clothes. she is poised and always put together, the woman who is never seen looking less than her best. this is the one who can also be the high powered executive, but only if she is in a "woman's field" like fashion. if she has kids they are equally as beautiful and they travel to exotic places during school breaks. she never has a bad hair day or or a bad idea--every plan she makes comes to fruition.

2. the supermom
this is the woman who has the perfect home. she always has freshly baked goodies sitting on a silver tray right next to the fresh coffee. she always looks just right, not too sexy or too frumpy. her kids are perfectly behaved and perfectly dressed. she bakes, roasts, and sautes with ease. she sews, knits, and makes window treatments. her home is always spotless and you could eat off of any surface in it. her husband never sees her without a smile. she has no desire to do anything outside the home--every desire she has is fulfilled within those walls.

it seems like society pushes girls to become the supermodel.
       unless you are a christian: then you are only supposed to be supermom.

i'm sure there are some amazing, godly women out there who fit into one of these categories. there might even be some who fit into both. if you are one of those women, you probably wear the uniform pictured at the right, and i'm giving you a standing ovation right now. there's no reason for you to read any further.

oh, wait--you're still with me?

if you are anything like me, you don't fit into either of those categories.

i'm that mom who sometimes goes out with my hair pulled up in a ponytail and no makeup. by choice. gasp!

i'm the one who will beg for a couple days' notice before you stop by so i can hurry and get things cleaned up (or at least shoved into closets... and under beds... and maybe under the rug...). i do have an amazing keurig (TM) coffee brewer, though, so i will offer you coffee. if you catch me when my sweet tooth is acting up you might even get one of the wackies (no bake cookies, for those of you who don't speak southern) that are sitting in my kitchen right now!

i'm the mom who sometimes says the clothes are clean *enough* to wear.

you'll see me wearing flip flops way more often than high heels.

i'm the mom who could probably sew a blouse if my life depended on it, but luckily enough that hasn't been the case for me so far (although i am fairly skilled with a crochet hook...)

i know nothing about fashion, even though i love watching project runway. i do have a sister who will buy me clothes and tell me to wear them, though, so i don't look like i'm living in a different era all the time.

i love them more than i can ever say, but i've gotta be honest--if i was home with my kids all the time, one of the 3 of us would most likely go insane. seriously.

so, i obviously don't fit into those categories.

am i supposed to?
what does God expect of me as a woman, a wife, and a mother?

this is the official start of my proverbs 31 posts, leading up to mother's day.
i hope you'll hang out with me a bit while we try and figure out how wonder woman fits into it all...


  1. Sounds fun! Looking forward to hearing your insights!

    1. Thanks, Natasha! Hope you'll come back and give your insights, too :0)

  2. Oh the expectations that I push on myself because of what I "Think" that's what others expect of me...

    by the way, just yesterday I pulled one of my girls' favorite skirts out of the dirty laundry and shook it out so she could wear it to school!

    1. Hahaha! Great to know I'm not the only one...


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