"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." ~Doctor Who It's a strange thing when the two sides of your personality are diametrically opposed. Before you feel the need to call in the white coats for me, let me explain: I'm not talking about split personalities or anything like that (though when I write that may be questionable). What I'm talking about is the Dreamer-- the one always ready for an adventure, straining to fly when she's told she can't-- in constant competition with the Realist-- the logical one, the one whose feet are planted firmly on the ground, the one who wants constancy. The Realist is the one who got a BS in physics, taught science to 7th grade and up, and who now sits through classes in medical physics. She is the one who does homework, albeit the night before it is due. The Realist is the one who makes the "smart" choices, like grad school and sensible sho...
just me, stepping out of the boat in faith, trying not to focus on the waves around me