In recent years, "religious freedom" has taken on new meaning in the United States. People twist the phrase, even going so far as to form a group called "Freedom from Religion" whose unspoken yet evident purpose is to attack Christianity. There are even those who try to argue that our Founding Fathers were not intending to establish a Christian nation. The thing is, no matter how people try to twist it, the Truth never changes . The signers of the Declaration of Independence knew what it would take for a new nation to survive and thrive. As the authors of Under God stated, " In declaring their independence from earthly power and authority, out Founding Fathers declared their dependence upon the Almighty God: 'with firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.' " Samuel Adams said, " We have this day restored the Sovereign, to Whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and... from the rising to the setting sun, may...
just me, stepping out of the boat in faith, trying not to focus on the waves around me