Memorial Day #12. It's a day I never could have imagined becoming a reality. And honestly, it's a day I still struggle to come to terms with each year. Sometimes, it feels like there have been 1,000 Memorial Days since my brother was killed. Other times, it feels like each Memorial Day is the first one. And sometimes, my mind and heart go back and forth between the two. So how do you come up with words to explain what this day means? How do you come to terms with a day like Memorial Day when it means something totally different to you than it does to most people? How do you put words to thoughts and feelings you can't even get straight in your head, let alone on paper (or a computer screen, as the case may be)? How do you tell other people something that you can't even really explain to yoursel f? Ho w do you exp lain what it means to have a specific day set aside to remember your brother-- as if you're being told that you shouldn't be remembering him ...
just me, stepping out of the boat in faith, trying not to focus on the waves around me