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Showing posts from December, 2016

when birthdays are hard...

Tuesday, my brother would have turned 36. I would have teased him tremendously, poking fun at the fact that he was inching closer and closer to 40 while I was still closer to 30. I would have complained about having to have that gooey red cherry stuff on top of the cheesecake again --but I would have grinned while I ate it. Instead, I was a little too quick with an answer when the kids at school asked for the date. "The 6th" is what I said, but in my head the answer went on with my big brother's birthday. I didn't say it, though. Sometimes I hesitate to say anything about him because I'm not sure how other people will react, but I can usually count on a look of pity, an "I'm sorry," followed by an uncomfortable silence while I smile to show that they don't have to be sad. His birthday is hard. It makes me wonder what he would be like at 36...maybe a couple gray hairs for me to make fun of? A few extra pounds around the waist? Smile...