There's a relatively new song that gets played on K~LOVE quite a bit. It is called, "God, Turn it Around," by John Reddick. It's a simple, catchy tune that I've found myself singing a lot since it was first released last year. There's always been something about it that has bothered me just a bit, though, and until this morning I wasn't exactly sure what it was. The lyrics basically amount to this: I'm praying God come And turn this thing around God, turn it around I'm calling on the name That changes everything, yes All of my hope Is in the name The name of Jesus Breakthrough will come Come in the name The name of Jesus He is up to something God is doing something right now He is healing someone He is saving someone God is doing something right now He is moving mountains Making a way for someone God is doing something right now I've left out a decent amount of the repetition, but you get the picture. Great song, right? The thi...
just me, stepping out of the boat in faith, trying not to focus on the waves around me