" But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. " (Luke 22:32) So often, we are given the impression that a true Christian has a faith that is never shaken. To be a true believer , someone God can use for great things, you have to be someone who is walking forward on the right path at all times, never distracted or sidetracked or a bit lost. It seems tied in to the same train of thought that says a Christian should never question God, something I've come to disagree with (you can read my thoughts on that over here ). There's this guy in the Bible, though, who seems to go against just about every description of a Christian that we cling to so faithfully. In the Scriptures he comes across as impulsive, hotheaded, and a bit short-fused. At the end of the Last Supper, we see him arguing with Jesus. In the garden, he cuts a guy's ear off. While Jesus us being questioned by Caiaphas, this...
just me, stepping out of the boat in faith, trying not to focus on the waves around me