Wednesday, June 26, 2019

lessons from my parents

So, I let a couple of big days pass without really saying anything about them--Mother's Day and Father's Day. I have to say, though, I think I've been incredibly blessed in both those departments. I have parents who have taught me more than I could ever begin to list, who have poured themselves into others selflessly, and who have shown me what it means to love your kids well. In honor of both of them (and the arbitrary days set aside on the calendar to say you love your parents), here are a handful of the things they've taught me.

  1. Life is seldom easy.
  2. Love means dealing with the best and the worst in people.
  3. Wealth isn't defined by money.
  4. Set boundaries for your kids, but don't be afraid to let them push right up to the edge.
  5. Fight for your family with everything you have.
  6. You should pour yourself out for people, but don't forget to refill.
  7. "Now you know we don't use those words..."
  8. Just because something's "always been done that way" doesn't mean it should be.
  9. God demands the best of you.
  10. Family isn't only defined by blood.
  11. Help others simply because it's the right thing to do.
  12. "Home" isn't an address.
  13. Give more than you take.
  14. Love hard, even though it means hurting hard, too.
  15. Hold hands.
  16. "Make good choices."
  17. Prayer may not change a situation, but it will change you.
  18. Never be afraid to get your hands dirty.
  19. Say I'm sorry--and mean it.
  20. "Religion" and "faith" are not synonymous.
  21. Say I love you with your words and actions.
  22. Spend your time on the things that are important.
  23. Sometimes, you each need a tv.
  24. Seek God first.
  25. Coffee makes the day better.
  26. The truth will always get out, so save time and just be honest.
  27. Respect is earned.
  28. Stand up for people, even if they don't deserve it.
  29. Bring food.
  30. Trust God's plan, even when--especially when--it doesn't make sense.
  31. Know how to change a tire and drive a standard.
  32. Learn from your mistakes.
  33. Do your best in everything you do.
  34. Mind your manners.
  35. Read good books.
  36. Spend your money wisely. You don't need a $40 shirt!
  37. Follow the Golden Rule.
  38. Laugh.
  39. Cry.
  40. Learn to play cards.
  41. Sometimes you need to play the devil's advocate.
  42. If you know something, teach it to someone else.
  43. Be a good winner and a good loser.
  44. "If you can love your kids through junior high, you'll love them forever."
  45. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
  46. You preach a better sermon by how you live.
  47. You help your kids.
  48. Sometimes the best answer is to keep your mouth shut.
  49. Don't think happiness is always found in the next thing.
  50. Support the people you love.
  51. There's no such thing as a half-truth.
  52. Love is patient. People aren't.
  53. Do the right thing even when it's hard.
  54. Don't avoid the hard topics--those are the ones worth discussing.
  55. Take responsibility for your actions.
  56. Be someone people can depend on.
  57. You can't soar like an eagle if you're flapping like a chicken.
  58. You're hardly ever the smartest person in the room or the dumbest.
  59. It's your fault if you're bored.
  60. "Turn off the tv and go do something!"
  61. God can handle your questions.
  62. "I love you way up to the sky!" 
  63. Do what you have to do, then do what you want to do.
  64. Love people.
  65. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
  66. Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
  67.  People matter more than things.
    “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” 
      Mark Twain

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